Marvel writers, directors, and fans chose the most iconic moments in Marvel Comics history.

We asked the top Marvel minds what their favorite Marvel comic moments are. Marvel Comics debuted 80 years ago, and in that time, the publishing house has produced some of the greatest superheroes and storylines to grace the page. The stories have evolved over time to reflect current political and social issues, and the character roster has grown to reflect a more diverse and progressive view of what a hero can be. Shortlist has compiled a list of some of Marvel Comics' most iconic moments and enlisted the help of Marvel writers, directors, and authors, both past and present, to share their favorites. XEM THÊM: CÁC QUY TẮC VỀ CÁCH CHƠI BLACKJACK Stan Lee Vs The Comics Code Authority Stan Lee published a multi-part story in Amazing Spider-Man in 1971 about the dangers of drug use and how one of Peter Parker's friends, Harry Osborn, was suffering from drug addiction. Despite the fact that it was a cautionary tale, the Comics Code Authority (established in the 1950s to protect Am...